April 2021 Motivational Astrology Forecast: Overcoming Obstacles!
“Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.” — C. D. Larson
Everyone encounters ups and downs in life. All the challenges we’ve had to face this past year are a testament to that! But we must remember, as long as we’re alive there will be problems (big or small!) to work though. The problems we face are actually a natural part of what we need to go through in order to get what we want. In fact, the stumbling blocks we find on our life path may help pave the way toward greater personal growth and success.
Obstacles can be seen in many ways — as a puzzle to be solved, an opportunity to grow or an excuse to go hide. How we perceive the barriers we find on our path affects how we react to them. Sometimes obstacles can be overcome, sometimes not. Often we just need to work around them or find alternatives. But the key is to not give up and to find ways to accomplish our goals despite whatever gets in our way. Learning to shift our perspective in order to understand the lessons that problems have to teach us is a key to successfully overcoming any obstacle!
April invites a refreshing energy to our lives as planets in Aries and Taurus dominate the days ahead! These energies provide the push to assist us in stepping out of our comfort zones, releasing what’s been hampering our confidence and liberating ourselves from any blockages! We’re urged now to bash down any walls of indecision, release our stellar spirits from inhibition and find freedom in new and creative self expression! Now is the time we can embrace strong assertive energy and push forward with our plans while enjoying our ability to let go of limitations! Also, with the help of Mars going into Cancer, this is a month where we are urged to advance our personal development, nurture our inner strength and overcome any adversity!
What can you look forward to in this new April month? How can you make the best use of the weeks ahead? Here’s your Motivational Astrology forecast for April 2021!
(Astrology is your #1 tool for greater self-awareness, self-empowerment and self-activation. Having a Motivational Astrology reading with me gives you personal knowledge and insight on how to make the best of what’s ahead for YOU in all areas of life! Gift yourself with the information and awareness you need to make your future fulfilling and successful with a Motivational Astrology reading today! www.KeepLookingUp.co.nz)
* 4 April 2021 (3rd in U.S.A): Mercury goes into Aries — Assertive Attitude! As the planet ruling communications moves out of Pisces into Aries, our thoughts, expressions, interactions and movements become more assertive, competitive, impatient and bold! This is the celestial signal to move forward with your ambitious plans while feeling greater confidence in your unique self expression! Your strongly-felt opinions, unique ideas and forthright eloquence will be heard and acknowledged! You’re encouraged now to highlight your abilities and shine your creative talents — let nothing hold you back! For maximum applause, express yourself in innovative, creative and ahead-of-your-time ways. Don’t be afraid to stand up, stick up or speak up in areas you strongly believe in! ❤ Mercury will be in Aries until 19th April 2021.
* 12 April 2021 (11th in U.S.A.): New Moon in Aries — Go For It! Each month, at the time of a New Moon, we’re offered the chance to begin again! Just like the start of a new year, the power of this New Moon gives us a clean slate for initiating our goals, starting our resolutions and launching our dreams! In the sign of Aries especially, this is an exciting opportunity to rev your engines, plan your take-off and reboot your life! Use this Lunar energy to begin moving forward with greater confidence, breaking out of your shell and instigating new adventures! Get your intentions sorted and make an effort to alter your routine! Start something today that will help empower yourself, further your goals and align yourself with more positive action! ❤ New Moon Blessings! ❤ (*New Moon 22° Aries Times*: New Zealand: 12 April 2:32pm; New York: 11 April 10:32pm; Chicago: 11 April 9:32pm; Los Angeles: 11 April 7:32pm; Melbourne: 12 April 12:32pm; Buenos Aires: 11 April 11:32pm; London: 12 April 3:32am; Zurich: 12 April 4:32am; Singapore: 12 April 10:32am; Hong Kong: 12 April 10:32am; Santorini: 12 April 5:32am; Cape Town: 12 April 4:32am; New Delhi: 12 April 8:02am(IST); Moscow: 12 April 5:32am; Dubai: 12 April 6:32am)
* 15 April 2021 (14th in U.S.A.): Venus goes into Taurus — Empowered Emotional Security! With the ‘Goddess of Love’ planet moving through her ruling sign of Taurus, we have the opportunity to empower our emotional security! We can now get a clearer understanding of what we need to support our feelings and raise our affections. Use this beneficial period to figure out what will bring you the lasting love and joy you desire. The clearer you are about what you really want the easier it will be to manifest! This is a time for not only focusing on greater stability in love, wealth and creative connections, but appreciating greater happiness and sensuality too! Realize that the way to heart-fulfillment is not only feeling ‘safe’ and understood by another, but by expressing yourself through your senses. Honour your tactile abilities now as the touch, taste, sight and scent of things are magnified! ❤ Venus will be in Taurus until 9 May 2021.
* 19 April 2021: Mercury goes into Taurus — Speak Your Truth! For the next two weeks, as the planet ruling our thoughts and interactions moves through Taurus, we’ll have an opportunity to focus on our core issues, our beliefs, how we experience life and what brings us feelings of pleasure, comfort and security. Our values, goals and what we want to establish for greater stability — emotionally, physically and financially — will be the focus. This is a time when our ambitions and visions tend to be more practical, deliberate and down to earth. Our feelings and senses are also highlighted now — the touch, taste, scent of all that is around us is emphasized — helping our tactile natures to emerge. This can be a lovely occasion for gaining greater awareness and understanding of your sensitive and sensual side! Use this energy to acknowledge your gifts, express your creative ideas, ponder prosperous future plans and share your heart-felt thoughts with others! ❤ Mercury will be in Taurus until 4 May 2021.
* 20 April 2021 (19th in U.S.A.): Sun goes into Taurus — Pursuing Pleasure! As the Sun moves around the 12 signs, we’re offered a glimpse into what each of the zodiac energies experiences. As this Solar shift goes from assertive Aries into tactile Taurus, we’ll be embracing greater sensuality, enjoyment, passion and determination in our everyday doings! Taurus, ruled by Venus, prompts us to seek out and find greater pleasure, artistry, gratification and comfort in all that we do! We’re now urged to create, appreciate and accumulate the ‘joy-factors’ in life while advancing our dreams of wealth-creation and greater happiness! This begins a new period of loving expression — toward ourselves and others — as well as the desire to amass further security, strength and safekeeping for our future. Allow this time to help you find your bliss and bring greater good fortune and good feelings to your world! ❤ The Sun will be in Taurus until 21 May 2021.
* 23 April 2021: Mars goes into Cancer — Family, Feelings and Food! With the planet ruling energy and activity advancing through the sensitive sign of Cancer, issues around home, food, family, feelings and domestic issues are emphasized. This is a time when we are seeking comfort in all its forms — mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically — along with a yearning to connect, cuddle and communicate with our ‘tribe’. We all know that family life, albeit sometimes messy or complicated, shapes who we are. Feeling positive about our background, regardless of the challenges we may have faced, encourages emotional self respect and a feeling of solidarity. True “family” are those that we consider close to our hearts and important in our lives, regardless of blood connections. This is a time to look at how those we align ourselves with shape who we are. Even if our views are unlike those we were raised with, acknowledging the differences, respecting diverse viewpoints and giving support to those who contribute positively to our lives helps us to better know ourselves and how our beliefs and opinions came into being! ❤ Mars will be in Cancer until 12 June 2021.
* 27 April 2021 (26th in U.S.A.): Full Moon in Scorpio — Magical Moon Manifestations! All Full Moons signify releasing — and in the powerful sign of Scorpio, this Lunar energy is magnified. The April Full Moon is referred to as the ‘Full Pink Moon’, but will NOT actually be pink — the name comes from a pink herb moss that flowers this time of year. It is also said to be a ‘Supermoon’, meaning it is about 7% bigger and 15% brighter than your typical Full Moon, although you probably wouldn’t notice. This represents a cycle of letting go, relinquishing emotional repression and shedding any inauthentic parts of ourselves. This Full Lunar Light illuminates areas that need expelling in our lives: self doubt, self-sabotage, jealousy, guilt or possessiveness. This is an intense time but a necessary one in order to get us out of any ruts and encourage positive transformation. Like the butterfly emerging from the cocoon, this is a time of casting off and relinquishing the holds that bind us. Consider what you have recently been saying, doing or creating in your life and if it is in keeping with the true you. If your self-love energies have been lacking, this is the time for releasing whatever is keeping you from believing, appreciating and honouring the magic of you! ❤ Full Moon Blessings! ❤ (*Full Moon 7° Scorpio Times*: New Zealand: 27 April 3:33pm; New York: 26 April 11:33pm; Chicago: 26 April 10:33pm; Los Angeles: 26 April 8:33pm; Melbourne: 27 April 1:33pm; Buenos Aires: 27 April 12:33am; London: 27 April 4:33am; Zurich: 27 April 5:33am; Singapore: 27 April 11:33am; Hong Kong: 27 April 11:33am; Santorini: 27 April 6:33am; Cape Town: 27 April 5:33am; New Delhi: 27 April 9:03(IST); Moscow: 27 April 6:33am; Dubai: 27 April 7:33am)
* 28 April 2021 (27th in U.S.A.): Pluto in Capricorn goes Retrograde — Serious Restructuring! As the planet of Transformation continues its long journey through this sober Earth sign, it starts a Retrograde cycle from 28 April to 3 October 2021. This is a time when we are readdressing serious issues in our lives as we seek to make positive changes to ourselves, our leaders and our world. The overall theme of this cycle is uncovering the misuse of power, greed and corruption to bring reform and grow our overall progress. It represents a major time of restructuring, review and reconsideration that brings transformation to our society, government, world order and Mother Earth. It also pushes us to think about the changes we want to make to our belief structures and our power as individuals and as a whole. ❤ Pluto will be going Direct on 3 October 2021 and will be going back and forth in Capricorn until 20 November 2024.
* The Outer Planets stay in a sign for a longer period of time, so their effect on us is more gradual, but significant none the less. Here they are in their current positions:
* Jupiter in Aquarius: Jupiter, the benevolent planet representing expansion, moving through the humanitarian sign of Aquarius, brings a new cycle of advancement. Jupiter in Aquarius, which lasts for about a year, marks a period of more liberal philosophy blending with humanitarian efforts — a time given more to philanthropic outlooks and endeavors. This is a period emphasizing equality, the breaking down of barriers, a more ethical mindset, and finding unique ways of problem solving while championing the individual’s ideals and expression. In Aquarius, Jupiter brings an increased awareness of social justice, equal rights, as well as improvements in wide-reaching humanistic endeavors. It’s also be a time of more Universal or “New Age” spirituality, more involvement in worthwhile causes and feelings of being ‘all in this together’. New technology, scientific and medical advancements are featured now as we are united in our shared needs and problem solving goals. This is a time when we have the opportunity to be more aware of the positive changes that we can manifest in our own lives while also being cognizant of the suffering of others and what we can do to liberate the oppressed. ❤ Jupiter will be in Aquarius until 14 May 2021.
* Saturn is in Aquarius: As Saturn, the planet representing responsibility, maturity and structure travels through the liberating sign of Aquarius, we’ll experience further concern for our society, each other and our life on Earth. Greater humanitarian, socially empathetic and altruistic endeavours will be forthcoming. This cycle will focus on gaining awareness of the importance of each individual, cultivating greater tolerance, broad-mindedness, liberalism and working toward a collective consciousness — shared beliefs and attributes that can unite us rather than divide us. A detachment from the old ways of doing things in favour of new innovation will also be seen. Additionally, new technological, medical and scientific advances will will mark this period along with new methods of working toward the betterment of society. Saturn is a teacher — helping us to grow through past mistakes, failures and hardships. By using the knowledge that we gain from these experiences, we can acquire greater wisdom, self awareness, patience and finally, advancement. ❤ Saturn will remain in Aquarius until 7 March 2023.
* Uranus in Taurus: The planet signifying change, revolution and innovation is in the sign of Taurus which represents its opposite — stability, assurance and safeguarding! For the years ahead this Uranus/Taurus pairing will highlight liberation from the customary way of doing things in favor of new methods and inventive techniques. Also, as Taurus rules our personal values, creativity, material goods, finances, food and general enjoyment, we will see new innovations in these areas. Uranus will seek to shift the security-conscious/money-minded principles of the Bull by remodeling the way we handle our resources, material wealth and investment interests. We can expect a new wave of economic innovation helping us to focus on being more authentic and practical in our approach to things. We will also experience further shifting themes on how we view stability. More change will certainly be a feature in our future, so expect change, revolution, fluctuation and acts of defiance. Be ready to adapt rather than fighting to hang onto the old ways of being! Remember: Change equals opportunity! ❤ Uranus will be in the sign of Taurus until 7 July 2025.
* Neptune in Pisces: The planet ruling dreams and creativity continues its transit through its ruling sign of Pisces, encouraging us to honour more of our spiritual awareness, artistic inspiration and intuitive insight! Greater appreciation for the beauty around us as well as within us is also emphasized. We are urged to feel and express greater “we-are-all-one” compassion toward ourselves and others — along with further sympathetic understanding and involvement with humanitarian endeavours. Greater focus on our faith, spirituality and need for understanding of one another is highlighted! With Neptune in Pisces, we are helped to be more ‘in tune’ with our feelings, sensitivities and artistic side of our nature. We can also find further focus on our faith, future hopes, visions of a better tomorrow, spirituality and global understanding. ❤ Neptune will be in Pisces until 31 March 2025.
* Pluto is Retrograde in Capricorn: As the planet of Transformation continues its ‘backward’ travels through the sober sign of Capricorn, we reexamine serious issues and concerns regarding the positive changes we would like to make to ourselves and our world. The overall theme of this cycle is uncovering the misuse of power and authority to enable change for the better. It represents a major time of rediscovery, review and reconsideration that brings transformation to our society, government, world order and Mother Earth. It also pushes us to think about the changes we want to make to our belief structures and our power as individuals and as citizens of the world. ❤ Pluto will continue to be going back and forth in Capricorn until 20 November 2024.
* Chiron is in Aries: As the minor planet/comet Chiron, connected to the archetype of the “wounded healer” moves through the independent, assertive and aggressive fire sign of Aries, our identities are highlighted. During this time we’ll have greater opportunity to overcome personal obstacles, discover new strength, manifest healing and further self confidence. Chiron is said to act as a link between the conscious and unconscious and as such, can represent transformation in body, mind and soul. As we surmount challenges, we find greater empowerment, advancing our unique spirits while manifesting more of our dreams. ❤ Chiron will be in Aries until 2027.
*Blessings to You and Yours for a Auspicious April! You are Loved and Appreciated!*
With Warmth, Heart and StarLight,
-GiGi Sosnoski #gigiastrososnoski at #keeplookingup — #motivationalastrology -
Keep Looking Up Ltd. / Positive Skies Ltd.
World-wide Motivational Astrology and Motivational Coaching http://www.KeepLookingUp.co.nz and http://www.PositiveSkies.com
GiGi Astro Sosnoski is a New York City Astrologer, Motivational Coach, Motivational Speaker, Planetary Intuitive, Workshop Facilitator, Astrological Forecast Writer, Radio, TV and Multi-Media contributor who now lives in New Zealand. GiGi was first introduced to Astrology when she was 10 years old, and went on to turn her love for the subject into her life’s passion “Motivational Astrology”! Giving Astrology readings and Motivational Life Coaching sessions to thousands of clients, from all walks of life and from all over the world, for over 30 years, is what gives GiGi the experience, knowledge and know-how to guide and direct others successfully! As a Life Enthusiast, GiGi’s passion is sharing upliftment and inspiration with others using her Motivational Astrology. Encouraging people to get excited about their lives, their abilities, their relationships and their futures is what she does best! Contact GiGi to help yourself find greater awareness, confidence and further understanding of your true potential as seen in your unique Astrology chart! Motivational Astrology Readings by Phone, Skype or at GiGi’s Keep Looking Up offices: +64 9 955 4117 (Auckland) 425–629–7346 (U.S.A.) (websites: http://www.KeepLookingUp.co.nz and http://www.PositiveSkies.com