December 2022 Motivational Astrology Forecast: The Path Ahead!
“Looking back on the road we’ve traveled makes the path ahead more clear.” — GiGi Sosnoski
Looking forward to the new year? A successful future depends on the lessons learned from the past. As we bid farewell to 2022 we have the opportunity to reflect on what we’ve discovered from living through it. Everyone had their share of successes and shortfalls in the past months, but with each instance comes greater life awareness. By observing ourselves and our actions we’re better able to make positive changes, start healthier habits, implement new activities and improve our dreams toward a more life-affirming and fulfilling tomorrow. What do you want to set out for your path ahead?
No matter the external circumstances we face, we always have a choice. We can choose to see the positives, the possibilities, the potential for something better in our future, rather than dwelling on negatives, fear, doubt. Staying positive does not mean you’re ignoring problems or dismissing hardships. Instead, it means focusing on the thoughts that encourage your well-being and future growth.
This is the month to formulate plans for a better tomorrow by recognizing the lessons of today. The celestial energies for December gives us an extra push forward, assisting us in understanding our year-in-review highs and lows — and how to use that knowledge to our advantage. In the weeks ahead we can better understand many of the happenings this year, which enables us to set a positive course of action for growth and prosperity going forward. In honoring the lessons of 2022 we can work to improve ourselves and our future dreams, which help us create a positive and prosperous 2023.
What can you anticipate in the last month of this year? What do the weeks ahead show when it comes to your hopes, wishes and dreams for the future? Here’s my *Motivational Astrology Forecast for December 2022*:
(Astrology is your #1 tool for greater self-awareness, self-empowerment and self-activation! Having a Motivational Astrology Reading with me gives you encouraging personal knowledge and uplifting insight on how to make the best of what’s ahead for *YOU* — in all areas of life! Gift yourself or a loved one with the information and awareness you need to make your future fulfilling and fortunate with a Motivational Astrology reading today! Contact me for my December Special Reading offer! www.KeepLookingUp.co.nz & www.PositiveSkies.com)
* 4 December (3 November in U.S.): Neptune in Pisces goes Direct — Intuitive Reflection! As the planet ruling our intuition, dreams, imagination and creativity finally goes Direct from its Retrograde motion, we can express more spiritual awareness, creative visualization, compassion and sympathetic understanding. In its ruling sign of Pisces, this Neptune energy encourages us to honour more of our psychic abilities, artistic expression and sensitive emotions. Greater appreciation for nature and the beauty around us as well as within us is highlighted. We-are-all-one feelings are emphasized along with further need for humanitarian expression. Seeking ways to embrace further world awareness, universal connection and the breaking down of barriers is emphasized and encouraged. Neptune Blessings to YOU! Neptune will be in Pisces until 31 March 2025.
* 7 December (6 Nov in U.S./Europe): Mercury goes into Capricorn — Set A Clear Course! As the planet of communication and movement shifts from Sagittarius into Capricorn we have the opportunity to get clearer on what’s important in our lives and how to make more time for it! This is a great occasion for considering ways to improve and empower ourselves for future success. As we move into 2023 our views and vision become more goal oriented, with a get-real, get-going, get-it-done mindset! Our future dreams and goals are supported now with the energy of ambitious reflection, serious intention and conscious contemplation. We’ll have more discipline, determination and mindful direction to set a course of action for greater future advancement. The ability to be more practical, pragmatic and perceptive in our plans helps us to make the changes we need to get ahead. We can focus now on making better use of those to-do lists, and be more practical in our thoughts and communications. This is a great time for reflecting on what we’ve learned and experienced this year. It’s a fortunate cycle for putting into place the plans and procedures for improvements and advances in 2023!
Mercury Blessings to YOU! Mercury will be in Capricorn (with a Retrograde period) until 12 February 2023.
* 8 December 2022: (7 Dec in U.S.): Full Moon in Gemini — Reflecting and Releasing! This last Full Moon of 2022 in the thoughtful sign of Gemini, emphasizes the need to share our thoughts and feelings with others. This Lunar cycle signals an important time for reflecting on the challenges we’ve faced this year and what needs releasing before moving into 2023! Heightened emotions, urgent communications, new information, exchanging knowledge and uncovering further are knowledge is highlighted now, along with the changes they can bring. Full Moons are always about culmination and the fulfillment of what was started at the New Moon. This is an important occasion for considering all that you’ve experienced, observed, discovered and come to understand these past few months and what you’ve learned about yourself and others. Use this Lunar light to connect with kindred spirits, learn more about yourself and map out your positive, peaceful and pro-active plans for the new year! Discussing your experiences and goals while getting informative insight on what’s ahead for YOU (suggestion: have a Motivational Astrology reading with me!), can help you better manifest your dreams for the coming year! :-) Full Moon Blessings to YOU! *Full Moon 16° Gemini Times:* Where are YOU?: New Zealand: 8 Dec 5:08pm; New York: 7 Dec 11:08pm; Chicago: 7 Dec 10:08pm; Los Angeles: 7 Dec 8:08pm; Vancouver, BC: 7 Dec 8:08pm; Toronto: 7 Dec 11:08pm; Sydney: 8 Dec 3:08pm; Mexico City: 7 Dec 10:08pm; Buenos Aires: 8 Dec 1:08am; London: 8 Dec 4:08am; Zurich: 8 Dec 5:08am; Santorini: 8 Dec 6:08am; Kyiv: 8 Dec 6:08am; Singapore: 8 Dec 12:08pm; Hong Kong: 8 Dec 12:08pm; Cape Town: 8 Dec 6:08am; New Delhi: 8 Dec 9:38am (IST); Moscow: 8 Dec 7:08am; Dubai: 8 Dec 8:08am.
* 10 December 2022: (9 Dec in U.S.): Venus goes into Capricorn — Reality Check! As Venus, the planet of love and money, now moves from adventurous Sagittarius into conservative Capricorn, a new period of practical, down to earth and grounded consideration begins. For the next few weeks, finances get more ambitious, personal affections more stable and our life directions more thoughtful. This is a positive period for seeing those in our lives more realistically and taking responsibility for what we value — in our friendships, love connections and with ourselves! Greater understanding of who and what we love is highlighted. Additionally, as we wrap up this year, ambition, issues of security and financial rewards are highlighted. This is an important cycle for practical, realistic and pragmatic concerns. Our personal affections are more sensible, sober and serious as we’ll see things more honestly and factually. This is an important period for taking responsibility for what we value — home and family, health, our business plans for the future! Venus Blessings to YOU! Venus will be in Capricorn until 4 January 2023.
* 21 December 2022 (20 Dec in U.S./Europe): Jupiter goes into Aries — Go Big or Go Home! Jupiter, the planet ruling growth, advancement and abundance now moves from sensitive Pisces into aggressive Aries! This initiates a new cycle of fearless, courageous and pioneering energy. The focus will be on the individual (Aries) rather than the whole (Pisces). This will be a breath of fresh air as we jump into a liberating cycle of exciting adventures, fresh opportunities and the need to move ahead — fast! We are urged now to take the initiative, feel greater optimism and find further faith in ourselves and our dreams! It pays to be pro-active now when it comes to manifesting your personal and professional goals. We’ll find greater belief in ourselves and faith in our abilities. Our assertive warrior spirit now emerges, helping us make inroads and make spirited choices. It’s interesting to consider what was happening in your life 12 years ago when Jupiter was last in Aries. There could be similar themes arising and coming into focus now. Perhaps we can learn from the past in order to make the future better! Just be aware of a ‘me-first’ attitude, over-the-top attitudes or making mountains out of molehills! Go forward with gusto, but keep realistic and objective with your goals! Jupiter Blessings to YOU! Jupiter will be in Aries until 17 May 2023.
* 22 December 2022 (21 Dec in U.S./Europe): Sun into Capricorn — Solstice Blessings for Happy Holidays! This day marks the magical Solstice — the longest day in the Southern Hemisphere and the shortest in the Northern — signifies the start of a fresh seasonal cycle of peace, hope and reflection! We now mark the turning of the Light to help illuminate ways we can be more respectful and responsible going forward — to our selves, each other and our beloved Earth. As the Sun moves into thoughtful Capricorn, we’re urged to consider what positive changes can be implemented to secure greater happiness, health and future harmony. There is an Earthy energy emerging now, urging ambitious thought, serious contemplation and conscientious activation of our dreams for the weeks ahead! Allow this Sun in Capricorn coupling to inspire your heart, spark your soul and usher in a new season with the Solstice! May the weeks ahead bring You and Yours greater love, comfort and the expectation of brighter times to come! Solstice Blessings to You! The Sun will be in Capricorn until 22 January 2023.
* 23 December 2022: New Moon in Capricorn — The Gift of New Beginnings! This last New Moon of 2022 in the conscientious sign of Capricorn, offers us an empowering push to advance our goals, get serious about our intentions and put fresh plans in place for making ambitious changes to our lives! This is the gift of new beginnings where we can embark on creating more purposeful progress and embrace a more disciplined, responsible and practical way of doing things to get the best results. We can now channel our passions into productive undertakings with a strong understanding that we are moving forward and creating something positive for the future. Use this new Lunar Light to focus on what you want to achieve in the new year as well as what you want to implement for your continued growth, security and advancement. This is a good time to reflect on what we have learned, what we have gone though and how we have changed in 2022. We’ve all experienced so much in our lives and world — but the challenges that we’ve gone through can offer valuable lessons while making us who we are and how we live today. This New Moon is an important time for setting our intentions for what we wish to attract in the time ahead. It’s the celestial go ahead to get real, get practical and get-it-done! New Moon Blessings to YOU! *New Moon 1° Capricorn Times:* Where are YOU?: New Zealand: 23 Dec 11:17pm; New York: 23 Dec 5:17am; Chicago: 23 Dec 4:17am; Los Angeles: 23 Dec 2:17am; Vancouver, BC: 23 Dec 2:17am; Toronto: 23 Dec 5:17am; Sydney: 23 Dec 9:17pm; Mexico City: 23 Dec 4:17am; Buenos Aires: 23 Dec 7:17am; London: 23 Dec 10:17am; Zurich: 23 Dec 11:17am; Santorini: 23 Dec 12:17pm; Kyiv: 23 Dec 12:17pm; Singapore: 23 Dec 6:17pm; Hong Kong: 23 Dec 6:17pm; Cape Town: 23 Dec 12:17pm; New Delhi: 23 Dec 3:47(IST); Moscow: 23 Dec 1:17pm; Dubai: 23 Dec 2:17pm.
* 29 December 2022: Mercury in Capricorn goes Retrograde — Revisit your Vision! This last Mercury Retrograde of 2022 begins now, lasting until 18 January 2023, giving us an opportunity to re-evaluate, review and readdress our visions for the new year. With the communication planet in the authoritarian sign of Capricorn, we’ll be addressing the structures of our lives and issues of safety and security. We can utilize this time to re-work and reconsider plans going forward and what can be improved for further future progress. This can be a positive time for undertaking deeper introspection, self reflection and internal review. Gaining greater objectivity is also a plus now along with the opportunity to revisit and re-work the important aspects of our lives. The usual retro reminders apply: extra care is encouraged with travel, communications, mechanical workings, negotiations and interactions with others. Change is in the air — so allow extra time, double check details and be patient! Most of all: be flexible! Mercury Blessings to YOU! Mercury will be going Direct 18 Jan 2023.
* All Month Long: Mars in Gemini is Retrograde — Defying Distractions! With the planet ruling our energies and actions continuing to go ‘backwards’ in the Mercury-ruled sign (representing thoughtful and diversified expression), we need to be extra diligent in keeping a handle on interruptions! There is a lot to keep track of during this restless Martian cycle, but by thoughtfully and carefully persisting, we can use this Retrograde cycle for practicing patience, flexibility and focus on what needs doing! During this ‘reversing’ cycle we may see disruptions and delays in travel, transportation, miscommunications, technology and media (as these are ruled by Gemini too). This is not the time for impulsive action or quick re-actions — think things out very methodically before doing and carefully choose your battles. Use this time to reevaluate what you put our energies into while paying greater attention to detail. Mars Blessings to YOU! Mars is Retrograde in Gemini from 31 October 2022 until 12 January 2023.
* The Outer Planets stay in a sign for a longer period of time, so their effect on us is more gradual, but significant none the less. Here they are in their current positions:
* Jupiter is going into Aries: Jupiter, the planet ruling growth, advancement and abundance moves from sensitive Pisces into aggressive Aries starting the 21st of December! This initiates a new cycle of fearless, courageous and pioneering energy. The focus will be on the individual (Aries) rather than the whole (Pisces). This will be a breath of fresh air as we jump into a liberating cycle of exciting adventures, fresh opportunities and the need to move ahead — fast! We are urged now to take the initiative, feel greater optimism and find further faith in ourselves and our dreams! It pays to be pro-active now when it comes to manifesting your personal and professional goals. We’ll find greater belief in ourselves and faith in our abilities. Our assertive warrior spirit now emerges, helping us make inroads and make spirited choices. It’s interesting to consider what was happening in your life 12 years ago when Jupiter was last in Aries. There could be similar themes arising and coming into focus now. Perhaps we can learn from the past in order to make the future better! Just be aware of a ‘me-first’ attitude, over-the-top attitudes or making mountains out of molehills! Go forward with gusto, but keep realistic and objective with your goals! Jupiter will be in Aries until 17 May 2023.
* Saturn is in Aquarius: Saturn, the planet representing responsibility, maturity and structure, traveling through the liberating sign of Aquarius asks us to focus our attention on greater humanitarian, socially conscious and altruistic endeavours. We are urged to consider the importance of each individual, cultivate greater tolerance, and work toward a more collective consciousness. We are compelled now to look to the future with greater innovation and vision while connecting with like-minded individuals who share our views and inspire our uniqueness. This is a cycle for taking responsibility for our decisions and actions, while building confidence in our skills and goals for tomorrow. We can also see further technological, medical and scientific advances along with new methods of working toward the betterment of society. Saturn is a teacher — helping us to grow through past mistakes, failures and hardships. By using the knowledge that we gain from these experiences, we can acquire greater wisdom, self awareness, patience and finally, advancement. It is a time of honouring our individuality and making strides in righting the wrongs around us, encouraging a new era of ethical concerns and rewarding authenticity. Saturn will be in Aquarius until 7 March 2023.
* Uranus in Taurus is Retrograde: The planet signifying change, revolution and innovation, is transiting through the sign of Taurus, which represents its opposite — stability, assurance and safeguarding! For the years ahead this Uranus/Taurus pairing will highlight liberation from the customary way of doing things in favor of new methods and inventive techniques. Also, as Taurus rules our personal values, creativity, material goods, finances, food and general enjoyment, we will see new innovations in these areas. Uranus in Taurus brings new light to the way we handle our resources, material wealth, mother nature, and investment interests. During this transit, we can expect a new wave of economic innovation helping us to focus on being more authentic and practical in our approach to things. As Uranus Retrogrades, we will be experiencing further shifting themes on how we view stability. More change will certainly be a feature in our future, so expect change, revolution, fluctuation and acts of defiance. Uranus will be Retrograding until 22 January 2023 and will be Taurus until 7 July 2025.
* Neptune in Pisces going Direct: Neptune, the planet ruling dreams and creativity moves out of its Retrograde motion on the 4th of December. In the sign of sensitive Pisces we are encouraged to honour more of our spiritual awareness, artistic inspiration and intuitive insight! With Neptune moving ‘forwards’, we’re urged to respect and be inspired by the beauty around us, within us and all that we can appreciate in our lives. We are prompted to feel and express greater “we-are-all-one” compassion toward ourselves and others — along with further sympathetic understanding and involvement with humanitarian concerns. Greater attention to our faith, spirituality and need for understanding of one another is highlighted. With Neptune in Pisces, we are helped to be more ‘in tune’ with our feelings, sensitivities and the expressive side of our nature. We can also seek further understanding of our faith, future hopes, visions of a better tomorrow, spirituality and global understanding. Neptune will be in Pisces until 31 March 2025.
* Pluto is in Capricorn: As the planet representing Transformation continues its long journey through this sober Earth sign, we can make inroads in advancing our lives. As Pluto in Capricorn encourages us to get serious about making making positive changes to ourselves and our world. The overall theme of this cycle is coming to terms with karma, focusing on elimination and regeneration and the metamorphosis we go through enabling us to change for the better. We are encouraged now to evaluate ourselves, the issues that bring us feelings of security and structure and how our behaviour effects our future. This Pluto cycle represents a major time of discovery, insight and revamping our lifestyle when it comes to society, government, world order and Mother Earth. It also pushes us to think about the changes we want to make to our belief structures and our power as individuals and as citizens of the world. Pluto Blessings to YOU! Pluto will be in Capricorn until 24 March 2023, although will continue to go back and forth in Aquarius as it Retrogrades. Pluto enters Aquarius 24 March 2023.
* Chiron in Aries is Retrograde, going Direct: As the minor planet/comet Chiron, connected to the archetype of the “wounded healer” moves through the independent, assertive and aggressive fire sign of Aries, our identities are highlighted. During this Retrograde time we will work harder to overcome personal obstacles and strive toward healing past and current wounds in order to find greater strength and courage to overcome difficulties. Chiron is said to act as a link between the conscious and unconscious and as such, can represent transformation in body, mind and soul. As it moves Direct, we can better surmount challenges and personal pains, find greater empowerment, advance our unique spirits and manifest more of our dreams. Chiron will be going Direct on 23 December 2022. Chiron will be in Aries until 2027.
Blessings to You for a Delightful December! YOU are loved and appreciated!
With Warmth, Heart and StarLight,
-GiGi Astro Sosnoski
Keep Looking Up Ltd. / Positive Skies Ltd.
World-wide Motivational Astrology and Motivational Coaching http://www.KeepLookingUp.co.nz and http://www.PositiveSkies.com
GiGi Sosnoski is a New York City Astrologer, Motivational Coach, Motivational Speaker, Planetary Intuitive, Workshop Facilitator, Astrological Forecast Writer, Radio, TV and Multi-Media contributor, who now lives in New Zealand. GiGi was first introduced to Astrology when she was 10 years old, and went on to turn her love for the subject into her life’s passion “Motivational Astrology”! Giving Astrology readings and Motivational Life Coaching sessions to thousands of clients, from all walks of life and from all over the world, for over 35 years, is what gives GiGi the experience, knowledge and know-how to guide and direct others successfully! As a Life Enthusiast, GiGi’s passion is sharing upliftment and inspiration with others using her Motivational Astrology. Encouraging people to get excited about their lives, abilities, relationships and their futures is what she does best! Contact GiGi to help yourself find greater awareness, confidence and further understanding of your true potential as seen in your unique Astrology chart! Motivational Astrology Readings by Phone, Zoom, Signal or at GiGi’s Keep Looking Up! Offices.