January 2020 Motivational Astrology Forecast

GiGi Sosnoski
11 min readDec 30, 2019


**Reflect, Refocus, Reinvent!**

“Every day, You reinvent Yourself. You’re always in motion. But YOU decided every day: Forward or Backward!” — J. Altucher

As we bid 2019 farewell, we embark on a new year filled with hopeful expectations and colourful dreams of what tomorrow can bring. January’s not only the commencement of a new cycle (and a new decade!), but a chance to break from the past, renew our direction and be accountable for the changes we wish to see in the future. In taking responsibility for what yesterday taught us we’ll have greater ability to own and operate a better tomorrow! This is the month to be willing to take action by creating your future rather than just allowing things to happen. May this January give you the courage, confidence and determination to ride the waves of change while constructing a more fortunate and favourable destiny!

Although a time of exciting expectations, this new month and new year also brings a time of critical restructuring, reassessment, transformation and testing. Economic, military and technological realignments are expected also as we experience a major Saturn-Pluto conjunction — an Astrological alignment that only occurs once every 33 to 38 years. Saturn relates to time, structure and security matters, whereas Pluto represents things powerful, hidden or issues of control. Together, this major meeting of celestial forces can bring to light the consequences of past actions with a view to what needs changing in order to usher in a new paradigm.

This is an important time for realizing that the same old way of doing things will no longer cut it. It is imperative that we release and rework our ways of life and implement new goals for growth and global awareness. To accomplish this we must be conscious of re-working, re-organizing and re-imagining ourselves on a daily basis. We must take action each day to create the future we want. Astrologically we are encouraged to be mindful of what we want to manifest, along with the specific steps, dedication and effort that goes in to making our visions reality!

The standout energies that we’ll experience this first month of the new decade are a Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Cancer (opposition a powerhouse of Capricorn energies), a fearless Mars in Sagittarius, the major conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, and the Sun, Mercury and New Moon in revolutionary Aquarius. What can YOU expect to experience in this first month of this New Year? Here’s your Motivational Astrology Forecast for January 2020:

* 3 January: Mars goes into Sagittarius — Just Be YOU! Tomorrow the planet of fearlessness, fortitude and freedom begins its 7 week journey through the inspirational and expansive sign of Sagittarius! This ethereal combo pushes us to acknowledge our truths, affirm our unique qualities and connect more fully with our singular, exceptional spirits. By honestly accepting who we are, what we stand for and our own special path, we bolster self-assurance, releasing us from the confines of what we ‘should do’ or ‘must be’. By dismissing judgment, prior definitions and the “need to please” we are elevated to a new level of self care and worthiness. This is the time to embrace inner certainty, personal belief and further self discovery — enhancing the confident, consciously aware and dynamic person that YOU are! Go ahead: Be strong in your convictions, love yourself in any state of being and support your particular evolution! Always know: Whatever your journey — Just Be You!

* 11 January (10 in U.S.A): Full Moon in Cancer/Lunar Eclipse — Encouraging Empathy! The first Full Moon of 2020, in its ruling sign of Cancer, helps expand our hearts — encouraging empathy and sympathetic understanding of those we care about and the Earth we occupy. All Full Moons represent the illumination of truth and things “coming to light”, as well as a favourable time for releasing what’s undesirable in our lives. We are asked now to find greater emotional harmony — inwardly and outwardly — as we release anger, fear and worry. Seeking situations that bring us together rather than separate us elevates everyone to a higher vibration. Additionally, on this occasion we’ll also experience a Lunar Eclipse — bringing our feelings to the forefront and emphasizing issues regarding our home, family and significant relationships. This accentuates the need to clear away emotional issues that hamper us, resetting our sensitivities and releasing energetic imbalances. Make life more tender and kind by sharing warm and loving feelings with others — it shall be returned!

* 11 January (10 in U.S.A.): Uranus in Taurus goes Direct Shifting Stability! The planet signifying change, revolution and innovation — now going Direct — is moving through the sign representing its opposite — stability, assurance and safeguarding! For the next 5+ years this unusual pairing signifies liberation from the customary way of doing things in favor of new methods and inventive techniques. Also, as Taurus rules our personal values, creativity, material goods, finances, food and general enjoyment, we will see new innovations in these areas. Uranus will seek to shift the security-conscious/money-minded principles of the Bull by remodeling the way we handle our resources, material wealth and investment interests. We can expect a new wave of economic innovation helping us to focus on being more authentic and practical in our approach to things. Shifting themes of how we view stability will certainly be highlighting our future, so expect change and be ready to adapt rather than fighting to hang onto the old ways! Remember: Change equals opportunity! Uranus will Retrograde on 12 August and will be in Taurus until 7 July 2025.

* 13 January (12 in U.S.A): Saturn and Pluto conjunct!Critical Restructuring! As these two powerhouse planets align, we move into a new time of critical restructuring, reassessment, personal and global revisions, breakthroughs, transformation and testing. Economic, military and technological realignments are expected also as we experience this major conjunction — an Astrological alignment that only occurs once every 33 to 38 years. This can signal a period when dealings relating to authority figures, resources and the reshuffling of power are highlighted. Saturn relates to time, structure and security matters, whereas Pluto represents things powerful, hidden or issues of control. Together, this dynamic meeting of celestial forces can bring to light the consequences of our past actions with a view to what needs changing in order to usher in a new paradigm.

* 14 January
(13 in U.S.A): Venus goes into Pisces — Love Transcends All! As the ‘Goddess of Love’ planet moves through the exalted sign of the Fish, we are given the gift of transcending the ordinary, healing past hurts and elevating our feelings of affection. Romantic, intuitive and creative energy draws us together now. Our connections with others open us up to greater feelings of beauty, imagination and inspiration. Universal love, higher minded awareness, sympathetic compassion and heart-centered emotion are the keys to finding common ground. Look for commonalities rather than differences when facing any conflict with others. If we are gentle with ourselves and one another we can embrace a greater understanding of our similarities and strengths and what makes us One.

* 17 January (16 in U.S.A): Mercury goes into Aquarius — Creative Innovation! As the planet ruling communications and thoughtful expression moves into the sign of Aquarius, greater freedom-thinking and artistic-invention is highlighted! This is a time when a colorful window of opportunity for new innovation and further self discovery opens wide! We’re now encouraged to free our minds, expand our views, connect with like-minded others and consider alternative ways of expression. Our analytical and inquisitive energy is magnified, igniting our inspirational visions while encouraging us to embrace unique concepts. Greater humanitarian, artistic and spiritual energy can now be felt as well, helping us to advance our personal and global goals for 2020!

* 21 January (20 in U.S.A): Sun Goes into Aquarius — Transcend the Ordinary! As the Sun, representing our personal power, starts its journey through the independent and idealistic sign of Aquarius, we embrace further mental stimulation, liberation and new awareness! This is a new cycle that encourages unique self expression — urging us to honour our individuality, embrace innovative ideas and put forth original plans, projects and concepts. True liberty grows out of freedom of thought, and our communications and connections with others now brings greater understanding and alignment with the universe! This is an ideal time for reaching out with greater humanitarian energy, with the true awareness that although each of us is different, we are all ONE!

* 25 January (24 in U.S.A): New Moon in Aquarius — Free Your Feelings! This first New Moon of 2020, in the freedom-loving and connection-oriented sign of Aquarius, encourages emotional liberation! This is a time to break through boundaries and limitations, embracing a new sense of impassioned individualism! Use this advantageous lunar cycle to begin new endeavours that free your feelings and empower your mind! Embark now on different forms of thought, new technologies, unique philosophies, inspiring studies or interesting activities that can open you to original expression and thought! This is a time to unchain your emotional blockages and consider alternative ways to solve problems. Brainstorm what has been holding you back and consider what you need to do to move forward. This empowering New Moon helps us focus on the future with a hopeful and positive vision! We can now look for ways to activate more of our unique potential and discover more about ourselves and the world!

* The Outer Planets stay in a sign for a longer period of time, so their effect on us is more gradual, but significant none the less. Here they are in their current positions:

* Jupiter in Capricorn: With the expansiveness of Jupiter now moving through the serious sign of Capricorn, we let go of the fantasies and delusions and get real with our dreams and desires. This is the of the true Reality Check! For the next year, we will be more focused on results, factual truths and down-to-earth practicality. This is a cycle of responsibility, duty and improved morality — especially regarding those in power. As Capricorn is an Earth sign, we’ll be focusing on better ways to organize our lives while embracing greater security and stability and structure. We will now be concentrating on steady growth, working on long term goals and improving the rules we live by. Because we’ll be more hard working, dedicated and serious, we’ll have a better chance of success, progress and material well-being. This is also a great occasion for personal improvement and embarking on important and substantial new methods of individual growth, learning and development. Use this Jupiter/Capricorn period to reap the benefits of lessons learned from the past, helping advance your goals and find ways to improve all areas of your life! Jupiter will be in Capricorn until December 2020.

* Saturn is in Capricorn: As the planet representing responsibility, maturity and structure continues its travels through its ruling sign of Capricorn, we’re encouraged to focus on the practicalities of life. Highlighted now are issues of efficiency, realism, creating and restoring order, rebuilding faulty structures and conserving our resources. Rewards come to those who put in the efforts that merit achievements — and to those who show thoughtful concern, patience and perseverance in their undertakings. Saturn is a teacher — helping us to grow through past mistakes, failures and hardships. By using the knowledge that we gain from these experiences, we can acquire greater wisdom, self awareness, patience and finally, advancement. Saturn in Capricorn focuses on righting the wrongs around us, ushering in a new era of ethical concerns and rewarding sincerity, integrity and authenticity. This can be the time when your hard work, efforts and dreams finally pay off! Saturn will be in the sign of Capricorn until n 18 January 2021.

* Uranus is in Taurus: The planet signifying change, revolution and innovation is moving through the sign representing its opposite — stability, assurance and safeguarding! For the next 7 years this Uranus/Taurus pairing highlights liberation from the customary way of doing things in favor of new methods and inventive techniques. Also, as Taurus rules our personal values, creativity, material goods, finances, food and general enjoyment, we will see new innovations in these areas. Uranus will seek to shift the security-conscious/money-minded principles of the Bull by remodeling the way we handle our resources, material wealth and investment interests. We can expect a new wave of economic innovation helping us to focus on being more authentic and practical in our approach to things. Shifting themes of how we view stability will certainly be a feature in our future, so expect change, revolution and acts of defiance. Be ready to adapt rather than fighting to hang onto the old ways of being! Remember: Change equals opportunity! Uranus will be going Retrograde until 11 January 2020 and will be in the sign of Taurus until 7 July 2025.

* Neptune is in Pisces: The planet ruling dreams and creativity continues its transit through its ruling sign of Pisces, encouraging us to honour more of our spiritual awareness, artistic inspiration and intuitive insight! Greater appreciation for the beauty around us as well as within us is also emphasized. We are urged to feel and express greater “we-are-all-one” compassion toward ourselves and others — along with further sympathetic understanding and involvement with humanitarian endeavours. Neptune will be going Retrograde until 26 November 2019. During this “backward” cycle we are urged to readdress all the above issues and re-evaluate how we plan to manifest our hopes and dreams. Greater focus on our faith, spirituality and need for understanding is highlighted! Neptune will be in Pisces until 31 March 2025.

* Pluto is in Capricorn: As the planet of Transformation continues its travels through the sober sign of Capricorn, we reexamine serious issues and concerns regarding the positive changes we would like to make to ourselves and our world. The overall theme of this cycle is uncovering the misuse of power and authority to enable change for the better. It represents a major time of rediscovery, review and reconsideration that brings transformation to our society, government, world order and Mother Earth. It also pushes us to think about the changes we want to make to our belief structures and our power as individuals and as citizens of the world. Pluto will continue to be in Capricorn until 24 March 2023.

* Chiron is in Aries: As the minor planet/comet Chiron, connected to the archetype of the “wounded healer” moves through the independent, assertive and aggressive fire sign of Aries, our identities are highlighted. During this time we’ll have greater opportunity to overcome personal obstacles, discover new strength, manifest healing and further self confidence. Chiron is said to act as a link between the conscious and unconscious and as such, can represent transformation in body, mind and soul. As we surmount challenges, we find greater empowerment, advancing our unique spirits while manifesting more of our dreams. Chiron will be in Aries until 2027.

*Blessings to You and Yours for a judicious January! You are Loved and Appreciated!*

With Warmth, Heart and StarLight,
#gigiastrososnoski at #keeplookingup#motivationalastrology
-GiGi Sosnoski
Keep Looking Up Ltd. / Positive Skies Ltd.
World-wide Motivational Astrology and Motivational Coaching
http://www.KeepLookingUp.co.nz and http://www.PositiveSkies.com

GiGi Astro Sosnoski is a New York City Astrologer, Motivational Coach, Motivational Speaker, Planetary Intuitive, Workshop Facilitator, Astrological Forecast Writer, Radio, TV and Multi-Media contributor. GiGi was first introduced to Astrology when she was 10 years old, and went on to turn her love for the subject into her life’s passion “Motivational Astrology”! Giving Astrology readings and Motivational Life Coaching sessions to thousands of clients, from all walks of life and from all over the world, for over 30 years, is what gives GiGi the experience, knowledge and know-how to guide and direct others successfully!

As a Life Enthusiast, GiGi’s passion is sharing upliftment and inspiration with others using her Motivational Astrology. Encouraging people to get excited about their lives, their abilities, their relationships and their futures is what she does best! Contact GiGi to help yourself find greater awareness, confidence and further understanding of your true potential as seen in your unique Astrology chart! Motivational Astrology Readings by Phone, Skype or at GiGi’s Keep Looking Up offices: +64 9 955 4117 (Auckland) 425–629–7346 (U.S.A.) (websites: http://www.KeepLookingUp.co.nz and http://www.PositiveSkies.com

https://www.facebook.com/GiGiKeepLookingUp/ ❤ :-) ❤



GiGi Sosnoski
GiGi Sosnoski

Written by GiGi Sosnoski

Motivational Astrologer, Motivational Coach, Speaker, Writer, TV & Multi-media contributor; Life Enthusiast! Encouraging others to get excited about their lives

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