October 2021 Motivational Astrology Forecast: Moving Ahead!

GiGi Sosnoski
13 min readSep 29, 2021


Faith is moving forward even when things don’t make sense, trusting that in hindsight everything will become clear.” M. Hale

October 2021 Motivational Astrology Forecast: Moving Ahead!

It’s easy to get caught up in indecision, not knowing which way to go. But ultimately we need to pick a direction and start moving, even if we’re not entirely certain where we’re heading! Depending on how things work out we can either find we were right from the start or need to change course to circumvent problems — either way, it’s much better than being stagnant!

Sometimes life gives us a wake-up call letting us know its time to move forward. It may come when we feel challenged or frustrated, caught up in conflicting situations or hesitant to leave our comfort zone. But regardless, there will be a fateful time when you finally acknowledge the need to step out of the dramas and into a new path forward, allowing you to advance your dreams rather than sitting on them. This is that time. October signals a period of progress, advancement and moving ahead rather than lagging behind. It’s time to put your faith in the future — and in yourself.

Four major planets turn Direct from their backward motion this month. This is a strong indication that we can move ahead ourselves, make progress with our goals and shift forward in our lives and world. As Pluto, Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter all move forward after a period of what many experienced as disorienting, delaying or disheartening, this is a signal of progress ahead! Our efforts are now focused on gaining ground, ploughing through and making headway toward our goals and dreams. We will be less likely to complain, finger point or feel stuck over situations we feel have been thrust on us and more likely to align with measures that show improvement, breakthroughs and betterment — for ourselves and our future.

The celestial energies for October urge us to start moving ahead with many areas of our lives, hopes and dreams. With both the Sun and Mars going into transformational Scorpio, plus Pluto, Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter all coming out of Retrograde, Venus going into adventurous Sagittarius and a Full Moon in outgoing Aries, we are urged to advance our goals and visions for the future.

Where can you find opportunities for greater advancement, opportunity and fulfillment this month? Here’s your Motivational Astrology Forecast for October 2021:

(Astrology is your #1 tool for greater self-awareness, self-empowerment and self-activation! Having a Motivational Astrology Reading with me gives you personal knowledge and insight on how to make the best of what’s ahead for YOU in all areas of life! Gift yourself with the information and awareness you need to make your future fulfilling and successful with a Motivational Astrology reading today! www.KeepLookingUp.co.nz)

* 7 October 2021 (6th in Europe/U.S.A.): New Moon in Libra — Renewed Equilibrium! A restorative cycle of greater harmony now emerges regarding relationships — not only with those in our life, but with ourselves also. This New Moon, signifying beginnings, in the sign representing balance and beauty, gives us a clearer understanding of how others see us versus how we see ourselves. We are urged to start believing more in who we are by cultivating more self love — which in turn results in happier and healthier partnerships. This fresh Lunar cycle can assist in bringing better stability to all aspects of our lives — especially relationships, love, creativity and self care. If you are needing to deal with a partnership problem, resolve a disagreement or get clearer on the connections in life, this is the time. Use this occasion to be more open to compromise, find agreement and cultivating diplomacy. This celestial energy offers us the opportunity to establish a better give-and-take with those in our lives, renew love issues, support our emotional well-being and honour feelings of affinity. What can you begin today to cultivate more cooperation, harmony and happiness in your life? (*New Moon 13° Libra Times*: Where are YOU?: New Zealand: 7 October 12:05am; New York: 6 Oct 7:05am; Chicago: 6 Oct 6:05am; Los Angeles: 6 Oct 4:05am; Melbourne: 6 Oct 10:05pm; Mexico City: 6 Oct 6:05am; Buenos Aires: 6 Oct 8:05am; London: 6 Oct 12:05pm; Zurich: 6 Oct 1:05pm; Singapore: 6 October 7:05pm; Hong Kong: 6 Oct 7:05pm; Santorini: 6 Oct 2:05pm; Cape Town: 6 Oct 1:05pm; New Delhi: 6 Oct 4:35(IST); Moscow: 6 Oct 2:05pm; Dubai: 6 Oct 3:05pm )

* 7 October 2021 (6th in Europe/U.S.A): Pluto in Capricorn goes Direct — Advancing Positive Change! As the planet of Transformation now goes Direct after 5 months of ‘backwards’ motion, we can start to make inroads to greater advancement in our lives. As Pluto continuing its movement through the sober sign of Capricorn, we get serious about making making further positive changes to ourselves and our world. The overall theme of this cycle is coming to terms with karma, focusing on elimination and regeneration and the metamorphosis we go through enabling us to change for the better. We are encouraged now to evaluate ourselves, the issues that bring us feelings of security and structure and how our behaviour effects our future. This Pluto cycle represents a major time of discovery, insight and revamping our lifestyle when it comes to society, government, world order and Mother Earth. It also pushes us to think about the changes we want to make to our belief structures and our power as individuals and as citizens of the world. This pairing of Pluto in Capricorn will continue until 24 March 2023.

* 8 October 2021 (7th in Europe/U.S.A): Venus goes into Sagittarius — Positivity Brings Prosperity! As the planet ruling love, affection and finances moves into the outgoing and adventurous sign of Sagittarius, we open ourselves to a new chapter of outgoing, idealistic, romantic and uplifting energy! Our ability to appreciate and acknowledge the beauty and joy around us brings greater prosperity as well as feelings of hope and positivity! Now is the time when gratitude and love energies turn expansive, manifesting further ability to share happiness, good fortune and enjoyment of life with others! This new cycle of possibilities broadens our horizons, encouraging supportive friendships, inspiring journeys and inspirational knowledge. This also heralds a time for expressing universal healing, good will and reverence for all living things. Venus in Sagittarius represents an uplifting cycle for gaining awareness of all that we can be grateful for while also acknowledging the abundance and splendor that surrounds us.

* 11 October 2021 (10th in U.S.A.): Saturn in Aquarius goes Direct — Learning from the Past! As the planet representing accountability, maturity, hard work and achievement now moves forward after over 4 months of Retrograde motion, we too can better advance the plans and projects we want to implement for our futures. Saturn, the ‘Great Teacher’ offers us a fresh chance to learn from our past experiences and implement more insightful and inventive concepts for strengthening our future. This cycle will focus on gaining awareness of the importance of each individual, cultivating greater tolerance, broad-mindedness, liberalism and working toward a collective consciousness — shared beliefs and attributes that can unite us rather than divide us. With Saturn now Direct, our energies are centered on practicality, efficiency, realism, creating and restoring order and securing the structures of our lives. Rewards will come now to those who pun in the efforts that merit achievements — and to those who show thoughtful concern, patience and perseverance in their undertakings. With Saturn now moving forward in Aquarius, we can focus on righting the wrongs around us, encouraging a new era of ethical concerns and rewarding authenticity. Saturn will be Aquarius until 7 March 2023.

* 18 October 2021 (17th in U.S.A.): Jupiter in Aquarius goes Direct — An Expansive Future! Jupiter, the benevolent planet representing expansion and the broadening of our horizons moves Forward in liberating Aquarius after 4 months of Retrograde motion. This marks a cycle of new advancement and a period of more liberal philosophy blending with humanitarian efforts — a time given more to philanthropic outlooks and endeavors. This is an occasion emphasizing equality, the breaking down of barriers, a more ethical mindset, and finding unique ways of problem solving while championing the individual’s ideals and expression. In Aquarius, Jupiter brings an increased awareness of social justice, equal rights, as well as improvements in wide-reaching humanistic endeavors. It’s also be a time of more Universal or “New Age” spirituality, more involvement in worthwhile causes and feelings of being ‘all in this together’. New technology, scientific and medical advancements are featured now as we are united in our shared needs and problem solving goals. This is a time when we have the opportunity to be more aware of the positive changes that we can manifest in our own lives while also being cognizant of the suffering of others and what we can do to liberate the oppressed. Jupiter will be in Aquarius until 30 December 2021.

* 19 October 2021 (18th in Europe/U.S.A.): Mercury in Libra goes Direct — Finally Forward Motion! As we exit Mercury’s retrograde cycle, we can now move ahead with our plans, procedures and proposals! We enter an ideal time for also finding more symmetry in our lives, cultivating better harmony and balancing our expectations! A big part of growing greater equilibrium is not expecting total happiness or total calamity at every turn. Ditch the drama and perfectionist tendencies! Moderation allows us to grow greater emotional, mental and physical peace in our actions and interactions. Combine this with an optimistic outlook that looks for the best but accepts things may not always work out as well as we’d like! This new cycle of “balanced thinking” helps us to better plan our goals and work toward a more creative, “zen-like” approach in our dealings. Focus now on the parts of your life that need harmonious attention and watch how this attracts harmony and happiness in all that you do! Mercury will be in Libra until 6 November.

* 21 October 2021 (20th in Europe/U.S.A.) Full Moon in Aries — Courageous Action! This strongly charged Lunar phase, in the first of the Fire signs, illuminates our need for greater independence, liberation and positive change! An Aries Full Moon magnifies our self identity, so our need for assertive energy and emotional freedom is turbo charged. We are encouraged now to push past boundaries, both inner and outer, to better discover our true dynamic selves and find greater confidence in all that we do. Take advantage of this opportunity to feel more personal power, breaking free of any self doubt or fear in order for your true self to emerge! This is a time of culmination, where we can summon greater courageous action going forward! (*Full Moon 27° Aries Times*: New Zealand: 21 October 3:56am; New York: 20 Oct 10:56am; Chicago: 20 Oct 9:56am; Los Angeles: 20 Oct 7:56am; Melbourne: 21 Oct 1:56am; Mexico City: 20 Oct 9:56am; Buenos Aires: 20 Oct 11:56am; London: 20 Oct 3:56pm; Zurich: 20 Oct 4:56pm; Singapore: 20 Oct 10:56pm; Hong Kong: 20 Oct 10:56pm; Santorini: 20 Oct 5:56pm; Cape Town: 20 Oct 4:56pm; New Delhi: 20 Oct 8:26pm(IST); Moscow: 20 Dec 5:56pm; Dubai: 20 Oct 6:56pm )

* 23 October 2021 (22nd in U.S.A.) Sun into Scorpio — Spirit Rising! A new transformational cycle unfolds now, bringing greater depth, intimacy and emotional awareness to our lives! We’re now given the power to relinquish doubts, fears and superficial issues clouding our lives in order to get to the heart and soul of our beliefs and feelings. We’re encouraged to tap into our perceptive and investigative abilities, allowing us to uncover and embrace greater inner fortitude, resilience and power. Take this opportunity to look within and transcend issues that have caused restriction in your life. Allow your spirit to rise above any challenge or conflict by tapping into your inner power and purposeful reserve. By initiating positive change now, we bring immense healing and uplifting energy into our lives and into the lives of others. This is your reminder that YOU are the Light in the Darkness — keep shining your inner sparkle! The Sun will be in Scorpio until 21–22 November 2021.

* 31 October 2021 (30th in Europe/U.S.A.) Mars goes into Scorpio — The Phoenix Within! The planet of energy and activity moves into the determined sign of Scorpio for the next two months, encouraging us to embrace the passionate warrior within! We can now rise past obstacles and challenges with a stronger fixed, focused and intense view of what we want to create going forward. We can claim our own power while gaining greater awareness of our inner strength and fortitude. This is a new cycle of courage and willpower — helping us to feel stronger about ourselves and more assertive in how we share our creative, intuitive and physical strengths. There is no compromise now — this is a time for accepting challenges and making changes! Mars will be in Scorpio until 13 December 2021.

* The Outer Planets stay in a sign for a longer period of time, so their effect on us is more gradual, but significant none the less. Here they are in their current positions:

* Jupiter is in Aquarius: Jupiter, the benevolent planet representing expansion, moving through the humanitarian sign of Aquarius, brings a new cycle of advancement. Jupiter in Aquarius, which lasts for about a year, marks a period of more liberal philosophy blending with humanitarian efforts — a time given more to philanthropic outlooks and endeavors. This is a period emphasizing equality, the breaking down of barriers, a more ethical mindset, and finding unique ways of problem solving while championing the individual’s ideals and expression. In Aquarius, Jupiter brings an increased awareness of social justice, equal rights, as well as improvements in wide-reaching humanistic endeavors. It’s also be a time of more Universal or “New Age” spirituality, more involvement in worthwhile causes and feelings of being ‘all in this together’. New technology, scientific and medical advancements are featured now as we are united in our shared needs and problem solving goals. This is a time when we have the opportunity to be more aware of the positive changes that we can manifest in our own lives while also being cognizant of the suffering of others and what we can do to liberate the oppressed. Jupiter will be in Aquarius until 30 December 2021.

* Saturn is in Aquarius: As Saturn, the planet representing responsibility, maturity and structure now traveling through the liberating sign of Aquarius, we’ll experience further concern for our society, each other and our life on Earth. Greater humanitarian, socially empathetic and altruistic endeavours will be forthcoming. This cycle will focus on gaining awareness of the importance of each individual, cultivating greater tolerance, broad-mindedness, liberalism and working toward a collective consciousness — shared beliefs and attributes that can unite us rather than divide us. A detachment from the old ways of doing things in favour of new innovation will also be seen. Additionally, new technological, medical and scientific advances will will mark this period along with new methods of working toward the betterment of society. Saturn is a teacher — helping us to grow through past mistakes, failures and hardships. By using the knowledge that we gain from these experiences, we can acquire greater wisdom, self awareness, patience and finally, advancement. Saturn will remain in Aquarius until 7 March 2023.

* Uranus is Retrograde in Taurus: The planet signifying change, revolution and innovation, is retrograding in the sign of Taurus which represents its opposite — stability, assurance and safeguarding! For the years ahead this Uranus/Taurus pairing will highlight liberation from the customary way of doing things in favor of new methods and inventive techniques. Also, as Taurus rules our personal values, creativity, material goods, finances, food and general enjoyment, we will see new innovations in these areas. Uranus will seek to shift the security-conscious/money-minded principles of the Bull by remodeling the way we handle our resources, material wealth and investment interests. We can expect a new wave of economic innovation helping us to focus on being more authentic and practical in our approach to things. We will also experience further shifting themes on how we view stability. More change will certainly be a feature in our future, so expect change, revolution, fluctuation and acts of defiance. Be ready to adapt rather than fighting to hang onto the old ways of being! Remember: Change equals opportunity! Uranus will be in the sign of Taurus until 7 July 2025.

* Neptune is Retrograde in Pisces: The planet ruling dreams and creativity continues its retrograde motion through its ruling sign of Pisces, we are encouraged to honour more of our spiritual awareness, artistic inspiration and intuitive insight! Greater appreciation for the beauty around us as well as within us is also emphasized. We are urged to feel and express greater “we-are-all-one” compassion toward ourselves and others — along with further sympathetic understanding and involvement with humanitarian endeavours. Greater focus on our faith, spirituality and need for understanding of one another is highlighted! With Neptune in Pisces, we are helped to be more ‘in tune’ with our feelings, sensitivities and artistic side of our nature. We can also find further focus on our faith, future hopes, visions of a better tomorrow, spirituality and global understanding. Neptune will be in Pisces until 31 March 2025.

* Pluto is in Capricorn: As the planet of Transformation continues its travels through the sober sign of Capricorn, we reexamine serious issues and concerns regarding the positive changes we would like to make to ourselves and our world. The overall theme of this cycle is uncovering the misuse of power and authority to enable change for the better. It represents a major time of rediscovery, review and reconsideration that brings transformation to our society, government, world order and Mother Earth. It also pushes us to think about the changes we want to make to our belief structures and our power as individuals and as citizens of the world. Pluto will continue to be going back and forth in Capricorn until 20 November 2024.

* Chiron is Retrograde in Aries: As the minor planet/comet Chiron, connected to the archetype of the “wounded healer” moves through the independent, assertive and aggressive fire sign of Aries, our identities are highlighted. During this time we’ll have greater opportunity to overcome personal obstacles, discover new strength, manifest healing and further self confidence. Chiron is said to act as a link between the conscious and unconscious and as such, can represent transformation in body, mind and soul. As we surmount challenges, we find greater empowerment, advancing our unique spirits while manifesting more of our dreams. Chiron will be in Aries until 2027.

*Blessings to You and Yours for an Outstanding October! You are Loved and Appreciated!*

With Warmth, Heart and StarLight,
-GiGi “Astro” Sosnoski
Keep Looking Up Ltd. / Positive Skies Ltd.
World-wide Motivational Astrology and Motivational Coaching http://www.KeepLookingUp.co.nz and http://www.PositiveSkies.com

GiGi Astro Sosnoski is a New York City Astrologer, Motivational Coach, Motivational Speaker, Planetary Intuitive, Workshop Facilitator, Astrological Forecast Writer, Radio, TV and Multi-Media contributor who now lives in New Zealand. GiGi was first introduced to Astrology when she was 10 years old, and went on to turn her love for the subject into her life’s passion “Motivational Astrology”! Giving Astrology readings and Motivational Life Coaching sessions to thousands of clients, from all walks of life and from all over the world, for over 30 years, is what gives GiGi the experience, knowledge and know-how to guide and direct others successfully! As a Life Enthusiast, GiGi’s passion is sharing upliftment and inspiration with others using her Motivational Astrology. Encouraging people to get excited about their lives, their abilities, their relationships and their futures is what she does best! Contact GiGi to help yourself find greater awareness, confidence and further understanding of your true potential as seen in your unique Astrology chart! Motivational Astrology Readings by Phone, Skype or at GiGi’s Keep Looking Up Auckland offices.



GiGi Sosnoski
GiGi Sosnoski

Written by GiGi Sosnoski

Motivational Astrologer, Motivational Coach, Speaker, Writer, TV & Multi-media contributor; Life Enthusiast! Encouraging others to get excited about their lives

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